Making friends is an important part of life, and it can be especially difficult for children when they are first starting school. As children get older, they learn how to socialize better and make friends easier.
One way that socialization evolves as children grow is by learning how to better interact with others. Toddlers and preschoolers may not have the language skills to express themselves, so they may act out or have tantrums. As they get older, they learn how to communicate more effectively and form friendships by sharing common interests.
Children also learn how to read social cues better. This means that they can better understand when someone is interested in being friends with them, and when someone is not. As they get older, they also learn how to deal with rejection and how to handle difficult situations.
Ultimately, socialization evolves as children grow because they learn how to better cope with the world around them. This includes knowing how to make friends, how to handle relationships, and how to communicate effectively. As children get older, they become more confident and better able to handle social situations.
Making friends as a child can be difficult, but it is a process that children are able to master with some patience and support from adults. It is important for children to have friends to share experiences with, to learn social skills from, and simply have fun with. There are several ways for children to make friends, and with a little effort, they are sure to find friends that they can enjoy being around.

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