Other than learning letters and numbers, how can attending preschool help my child? A high-quality preschool program such as Bonnie Academy is designed to set up young children for future academic, emotional, and social success. Academic benefits aside, many child development experts believe preschool is an important step in helping your child learn how to be a more successful student — how to listen well, how to raise your hand and patiently wait for your turn, how to participate in group activities. These are all skills that can help tremendously in your child’s transition into kindergarten. Perhaps more importantly, children learn how to socialize – getting along with other children, sharing, and working together toward common goals. Preschool experiences can help them learn how to manage frustration or anger. They begin to understand how to work out their own problems with peers. Preschool is also an important time to help children develop their motor skills. High-quality preschool programs provide fun opportunities for children to run, climb, and play active games. Activities like cutting with safety scissors or threading beads help children develop fine motor skills, strengthening hand-eye coordination and balance. From academic to emotional to social development, a successful preschool experience can help your child build a well-rounded, solid foundation.
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