We kicked off our summer camp program on the week of June 15, 2020. It is a huge success. So far the children are having an awesome time playing and sharing with their friends. Splish/splashing week was too much fun. The children didn’t want to do anything else except to play with water and chase bubbles. Please check out some of our photos by clicking the following link: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOxeQ5Zq22MKvk0AUuRjb4rOUSwl_ln123lBZGp0SHskzE62IIn9q6bw4ZcSu8fPQ?key=VlNfZGZVX2NLcTZ1YzFZZnJCaUx5V21xd05mUGhn
Additionally, you can visit our Facebook page for more information https://www.facebook.com/pg/Tiny-Tot-Preschool-and-Kindergarten-450872278303084/posts/?ref=page_internal
Visit our website calendar page for more upcoming events.
We do have spaces available, please refer a friend or a family member. Contact Tiny Tot Preschool & Kindergarten at (805) 526 1959.
Splashing & splashing & running & catching #simivalleychildcare #bestpreschoolinsimivalley #tinytotpreschool #childcare #daycare #preschool #summercamp