Why is your Tuition so Low?

A few days ago, potential parents walked into Tiny Tot Preschool and Kindergarten.  The parents were seeking childcare for their three-year-old son.  After the tour, I assume they liked the school because they stuck around for a while asking more questions.  One of the father’s questions was why we charge so low for tuition.  It took me a second or two to come up with the answer to this question.  I informed him the school has been serving the community since the 1960s.  We are known and respected amongst our neighbors and Simi Valley residents.  Many of our students are the children of our alumni.  It is true, that many of our parents are former students of Tiny Tot Preschool and Kindergarten.  As a business, we do not spend large amounts of dollars on advertising.  Our business mainly relies on word of mouth.  In return what we do is pass the savings on to our customers.  In the current stressful economy, we try to help our parents by providing lower tuition.  We try to keep costs low and provide excellent service.  This is not something new to Tiny Tot Preschool and Kindergarten, in the 2008 financial crisis, we took the risk and cut down the tuition amounts.  We also have a flexible tuition structure.  Traditional childcare centers generally charge a Full Time or a Part-Time rate.  Our tuition is based on the days and hours needs of the parents.

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