Preschool may be the first time your child will be in a consistent setting with numerous other children. This is the perfect opportunity for your little one to build their social skills as they play and learn with their peers. Maybe you have an only child, or a child with much older siblings. You may worry that your child is not ready for socializing in the preschool environment, but don’t fear! Children are great at adapting to new situations, and a great preschool will provide an environment that makes it easy for children to make new friends. There will be group activities that emphasize taking turns and sharing, building these lifelong skills in your child. Your child’s sense of humor may emerge, as they see that they have a talent for making others laugh. Kids will also learn appropriate ways of expressing their emotions, even if they are mad or sad. They will be able to see the effect of their behavior on others; this helps to develop empathy. Getting along with others is a life skill that will be used by your child in school, work, and beyond. Starting your little one early with good social interactions sets them up for a successful life of friendships and relationships. The relationship your child forms with their teachers will also broaden their horizons as they get affirmation and love both at school and home. Their teachers can be another adult to reinforce good behavior and habits.
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