Childcare centers are not found to speed virus’ spread
We came across a story in L.A. Times by Sonja Sharp which we thought would be informative for our parents. The story is a study of COVID 19 in regarding to Childcare Centers. Bonnie Academy participated in this study. The article is titled, “Child care centers are not found speed virus’ spread”.
A large national study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics on Wednesday provides some of the clearest evidence yet that child care centers don’t hasten the spread of the novel coronavirus, even in communities where overall infections are high.
“This is the largest study of COVID transmission in child care programs that’s been attempted in the U.S., and I think globally,” said Yale professor Walter Gilliam, who led a team of researchers in the study. “These are very positive findings, and they should be very comforting,” both to childcare providers and the families who rely on them.
The study surveyed 57,335 providers serving almost 4 million children in two-thirds of the counties in the U.S., including Puerto Rico. It found that those who continued to work during the first three months of the pandemic were no more likely to have fallen ill than those who did not.
“We found there was absolutely no relationship” between working in childcare settings and contracting the virus, Gilliam said. “Working at a childcare center did not put these providers at any increased risk of COVID-19 than if they had stayed home.”
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