* Do regard the child’s art as a record of his personality.
* Do realize that during the time the child works, he acquires important experiences for his growth.
* Do make the child sensitive in his relationship to his environment.
* Do appreciate it if the child has succeeded in expressing his experience.
* Do realize the wrong proportions most often express an experience.
* Do learn that your child’s feeling toward his art is different from yours.
* Do appreciate your child’s art on it’s own merit.
* Do provide your child with some space so he can work.
* Do encourage your child to respect another’s expression.
* Do encourage the type of competition that grows out of the child’s urge to express him.
* If you work with your child creatively, encourage tolerance and respect for each other’s work.
* Do let the child develop his own techniques by experimentation.
* Don’t correct or help the child in his work by imposing your personality.
* Don’t regard the final product as significant.
* Don’t expose the child to coloring books or patterns, which make him insensitive.
* Don’t appreciate the child’s work indiscriminately.
* Don’t correct wrong proportions.
* Don’t expect your child’s art always to be pleasing.
* Don’t prefer one child’s work to that of another.
* Don’t restrict your child’s work by not having space.
* Don’t compare your child’s art.
* Don’t encourage contests, which use prizes and rewards as stimulation.
* Don’t impose your standard upon the child’s standard when you work with him.
* Don’t show the child “how to paint.”
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